Port Transportation Association was created in 2019 by concerned Drayage Trucking Company owners who deal with Port Metro Vancouver and the British Columbia Container Trucking Commissioners office on a daily basis. Individual companies had recognized that many other drayage companies servicing Port Metro Vancouver Ports were facing the same frustrations and problems, with either Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, the B.C. Container Trucking Commissioner’s Office, or the Terminals themselves.
Port Transportation Association is here to give companies an outlet to communicate with regulators and Terminals.
The PTA (Port Transportation Association) has recognized the need for a transparent website that would allow for stakeholders to view challenges that B.C. drayage companies face not only with regulators and terminals, but with shipping lines.
We hope that in the near future, we will be able to collaborate and to post what shipping lines and brokers offer the best service with the least amount of risk for equipment detention.